As We See It

/As We See It
19 09, 2023

DEBANKING UPDATE: The FCA can’t find a problem with the banks’ behaviour: “Well it would, wouldn’t it!”

As We See It, Trade & Economy|

By Brian Monteith – 1 minute read – The FCA has said there is nothing to be concerned about following its initial review of the political debanking scandal - but it's a slam-dunk example of what has become known as an "MRDA" – meaning, 'Mandy Rice-Davies Applies'.

14 07, 2023

We must remind ourselves the origins of wealth do not happen by accident

As We See It, Trade & Economy|

By Ewen Stewart – 6 minute read – WE ARE tossing aside the pillars that made us free, affluent and prosperous – for the whims of policymakers fixated by short term expediency and cowardice. As others create and grow we urgently need to rediscover the bedrock of what made our civilisation prosper so mightily.

22 06, 2023

How the EU is already worse than it ever was – while the UK slowly diverges for the better

As We See It, Brexit-Watch, Trade & Economy|

The EU has continued down its path of uber-regulation and the maintenance of a customs fortress that diminishes poorer farmers and businesses of emerging nations... while the UK has sought to open up to the developing world.

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