As recently covered in an article in Reuters, those at the lower end of salaried workers in the UK have seen improvements in both salaries and working conditions due to leaving the EU, and the resultant tightening of available resources with the removal of Freedom of Movement (FoM). Quote: “a gradual improvement in employment terms since the global pandemic and Brexit forced companies to work harder to find staff”.
As was regularly cited as a core motivation for the ending of Freedom of Movement (FoM), membership of the EU had seen an increase in what was in effect a cheaper workforce from predominantly Central and Eastern European member states – which had been said by those campaigning for Brexit to be having a downward effect on both job availability and salary levels for those employment sectors most affected, such as Hospitality, Construction, Haulage / Logistics and Social Care.
Following the UK’s exit from the EU, and the end of FoM as a consequence of it, the availability of said cheaper workforce from EU member states came to an end.
As has been covered by many news articles since, the previously mentioned heavily affected sectors have all seen above inflation wage increases as well as improvements to job conditions, to encourage and retain the domestic workforce in these professions.
In the case of the Haulage sector, this change was in some cases as much as a 25% increase in salary almost overnight.
This change would simply not have happened without the ending of Freedom of Movement, which in turn would not have happened without leaving the EU.