How Labour will use a Brexit freedom to punish private education

 by Catherine McBride – 6 June 2024 

Ironically, with the UK having left the EU Labour now intends to exploit a Brexit freedom by introducing VAT on independent school fees if it wins the election.

What’s in a name? The battle of words in UK trade policy

 by Gully Foyle – 15 March 2024 

Perhaps our time would be better spent looking into how we can best take advantage of these new opportunities, instead of trying to pull them down.

                              The WHO                       – Let’s not get fooled again

 by Philippa D’Arcy – 26 February 2024 

How the WHO continues to threaten us with world government of healthcare and removal of our freedoms.

Twenty-five years on and the Euro still fails to deliver

 by Bob Lyddon – 22 January 2024 

How the EU elite forgot their original ambitions and let the Euro down – not vice versa

The ‘shipwreck’ of Brexit according to Le Figaro

 by Ewen Stewart – 16 January 2024 

How the French newspaper is looking through the wrong end of the telescope by attacking Brexit

Protecting the UK’s Golden Goose from rival financial centres

 by Catherine McBride – 7  November 2023 

Regulators must allow companies to focus on their core business, assess their own risks and employ staff of their choice…

Repeatedly disproven OBR forecasts? Time to adopt ‘when the facts change’

 by Catherine McBride – 6 November 2023 

The OBR would be well advised to heed Keynes’ advice and change its mind about Brexit…

How September marked the death of a supposed rejoin-EU groundswell

 by Gully Foyle – 28 September 2023 

How the rejoiners’ narrative has collapsed before their own eyes…

The truth behind “Save British Food” reveals rejoiners masquerading as nationalists

 by Gully Foyle – 8 September 2023 

How the campaign to rejoin the EU uses devious means to claim falsely that it puts British interests first…

Prince Harry’s Brexit problem

 by Robin Horsley – 7 August 2023 

How the Duke of Sussex and Brexiteers face a similar challenge……

Britain, Europe and why we were right to leave the EU

 by Alan Sked – 25 June 2023 

A historical take on why we were right to vote to leave the EU seven years ago……

Brexit, like Rome, will not be built in a day

 by Ewen Stewart – 23 June 2023 

This country faces a new existential challenge. In comparison, Brexit is small beer……

How the EU is already worse than it ever was – while the UK slowly diverges for the better

 by Brian Monteith – 22 June 2023

The EU is adopting more regulations and building its customs wall higher – while the UK removes regulations and tariffs…

Leaving the EU meant dodging not just one bullet – but an annual volley

 by Bob Lyddon – 22 June 2023

Thanks to Brexit the UK dodged a bullet of being at risk for the shared liabilities of EU members that grows topsy every year…

Is wage inflation a Brexit benefit?

 by Catherine McBride – 21 June 2023

The latest inflation figures suggest Brexit may be leading to higher wages for some British workers…

Seven Years on – and no itch!

 by Christina Jordan – 20 June 2023

As we celebrate the seventh Brexit vote anniversary, views grow stronger – not weaker…

Mark Carney cannot deflect away his personal responsibility for today’s inflation

 by Ewen Stewart, 17 June 2023

It is individuals like Mark Carney that are directly responsible for today’s inflation. Brexit doesn’t even come near.

How the EU doubles down on its damaging import controls

 by Brian Monteith, 9 June 2023

A revealing story of how the EU ignores evidence of sustainable farming that spreads the love of our environment – if it threatens its own farmers…

How removing the sunset clause on EU laws is against UK interests

 by Fred de Fossard, 23 May 2023

Another unnecessary retreat by the Sunak administration that concedes significant ground to the EU…

Economists challenge claims about Irish wealth

 by Owen Polley, 22 May 2023

Claims about GDP performance are not even believed by the Irish authorities…

Our latest Brexit bonus can save our fish & chips

 by Brian Monteith, 15 May 2023

Why the CPTPP deal can cut the price of food…

How inherited capital could boost the economy

 by Catherine McBride, 11 May  2023

How leaving the EU could pay for abolishing Inheritance Tax…

Guess who’s blocking the Bill?


by Catherine McBride, 4 May  2023

Ignorant or mendacious opposition to the REUL Bill explained.

The UK must defend its right to choose its own path to harm reduction

 by Brian Monteith, 3 May  2023

How the Stormont Brake con is critical for the imposition of direct EU rule on the UK

 by Caroline Bell, 22 March  2023

Sunak introduces a Westminster Brake on UK divergence

 by Brian Monteith, 21 March  2023

Sunak’s bad deal for Northern Ireland is an even worse deal for UK

 by Harry Western, 21 March  2023

Undoing Brexit by the back door – The Windsor Framework explained

 by Caroline Bell, 17 March  2023

Sunak’s Duke of Windsor Agreement deserves to be exiled

 by Ewen Stewart, 28 Feb 2023

The truth revealed about post Brexit trade

 by Catherine McBride, 23 Feb 2023

Update on Defending the Union of the UK, Ending the N. Ireland Protocol

From Ben Habib, Chairman of, 16 Feb 2023

Our public sector numbers are out of control

by Ewen Stewart, 7 September 2022

Eight points for the new Prime Minister to solve the energy crisis

by Catherine McBride, 5 September 2022

Sunak’s admissions on lockdowns will begin a stampede…

by Brian Monteith, 29 August 2022

The challenge facing the new leader, for Britain, is existential

by Ewen Stewart, 26 August 2022

The EU has gifted the perfect opportunity to end the NI protocol row

Ben Habib, 24 August 2022

Misdiagnosis of 2008 UK bank bailouts promises a repeat – and is pre-configured

Bob Lyddon, 22 August 2022

Food shortages or food surpluses – what would you choose?

Catherine McBride, 15 August 2022