With the return of sovereignty to the UK for multiple areas of government policy and UK Law, the ability to petition your representatives – and to remove them when they are ineffective in areas you care about – has not been so strong at any time since the 1970s.
A good example of this is the multiple petitions regarding the treatment of whales and sharks by Faroe Islands, and the wish to suspend the UK-Faroes FTA as a lever to force change.
The very act of petitioning the UK to take such action, is a request for the UK to use powers that it only has because it has left the EU.
The UK Parliament has a long-standing tradition of encouraging and allowing for the general public to petition it for change, dating back to the 1600s. The processes involved in this have of course evolved over the centuries, but the principle of being able to petition the Government to enact change has remained the same.
As a member of the EU, the laws of the EU took primacy over UK laws – and so the decisions of the EU Courts and EU Parliament also took primacy over the UK Courts and Parliament.
Members of the public continued to submit petitions to the Government during this time, but many were unable to even be addressed by the UK Parliament – as the topics in question were outside of the remit of the UK Government, but in fact sat with the EU.
Outside of the EU, those who wish to petition their government to enact change can again do so, in the knowledge that they are in fact contacting those with the power to make such changes.