Only the USA, Germany & China exported more than the UK in 2009
• According to the IMF, the UK was the fourth-biggest global exporter of Goods, Services, (receipts of) Income & Transfers in 2009.
Table 1: Leading Exporting Nations in 2009
Rank Nation Exports $bn Global Share GDP $bn
- USA 2180 11% 14119
- Germany 1633 8% 3330
- China Mainland 1485 8% 4985
- UK 888 5% 2175
- Japan 858 4% 5069
- France 841 4% 2649
- Netherlands 626 3% 792
- Italy 602 3% 2113
- China HK 511 3% 211
- Korea 460 2% 833
- Canada 442 2% 1336
- Spain 429 2% 1460
- Singapore 417 2% 182
- Belgium 415 2% 471
- Switzerland 398 2% 492
- Russia 388 2% 1232
- India 324 2% 1377
- Ireland 283 1% 227
- Mexico 271 1% 875
- Taiwan 260 1% n.a.
- Sweden 245 1% 406
- Luxembourg 232 1% 53
- Austria 230 1% 381
- Saudi Arabia 222 1% 376
- Australia 220 1% 925
- Top 25 14859 76% 46069
- Others 4805 24% 12191
- World 19664 100% 58260
- Eurozone 3164 16% 12440
- “Exports” defined as credits on current account of Goods, Services, Income & Transfers
- Source: IMF Balance of Payments Yearbook 2010, Part 2, Tables A-1, B-1
- Source: World Bank Development Indicators Database, April 2011
- Data not available for Taiwan. Taiwan data not included in “China Mainland”
- Estimate by Global Britain: 2009 data not available.
- 16-member eurozone as at 31.12.2009. Export data is for eurozone exports to rest of world
• Global trade (exports & imports) contracted by 21% between 2008 & 2009. British exports shrank by 31% in value, more than in many other leading exporting countries.
Table 2: Selected Countries: Reduction in Exports1,2 between 2008 & 2009
Country 2008: $bn 2009: $bn Reduction ’09 Vs ‘08
- USA 2659 2180 18%
- UK 1282 888 31%
- Germany 2100 1633 22%
- France 1068 841 21%
- Italy 794 602 24%
- China Mainland 1736 1485 14%
- Japan 1116 858 23%
1.“Exports” defined as credits on current account of Goods, Services, Income & Transfers
2. Source: IMF Balance of Payments Yearbook 2010, Part 2, Tables A-1,
• In 2009, global exports of Goods accounted for almost two-thirds by value of total exports of all types.
Table 3: Make-up of Global Exports1 in 2009
Type of Export Value $bn Proportion
Goods 12416 63%
Services 3424 17%
Income 2911 15%
Transfers 914 5%
Total 19664 100%
1.Source: IMF Balance of Payments Yearbook 2010, Part 2, Tables A-1
Average Exchange Rates in 2009: US $ 1 = £ 0.64 = € 0.75 / US $ 1.57 = £ 1 = € 1.17
Download Briefing Note: BN#7 UK Fourth biggest exporter in 2009