Brexit Benefits

/Brexit Benefits
21 06, 2024

#45 Increasing maximum truck length increases freight efficiency and lowers emissions

Brexit Benefits|

Having left the EU, the UK was able to implement the positive outcomes of a trial using longer trucks for domestic haulage, which resulted in reduced costs for hauliers and reduced carbon emissions as well. Not possible within the EU.

20 06, 2024

#43 Public procurement can now be reserved for local businesses, not open to the whole EU

Brexit Benefits|

Changes to public procurement rules allow for tenders below a certain threshold to be reserved for application only by local producers - meaning SMEs in the local area have a greater chance of winning these tenders, keeping investment in the local area.

20 06, 2024

#42 Brexit allowed the UK to avoid an additional membership fee of over one billion a year

Brexit Benefits|

The EU introduced a plastic packaging levy in 2021, with each kilo not recycled resulting in an 80 cent fee. The UK is estimated to have not recycled 1.4 million tonnes of plastic packaging in 2021, so would’ve seen a fee of €1.1 Billion in 2021 alone.

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