Brexit Benefits

/Brexit Benefits
20 06, 2024

#35 Brexit returned democratic control over UK lawmaking, including powers transferred to devolved administrations

Brexit Benefits|

Leaving the EU allowed a core desire of the UK electorate to be realised – that its laws would be decided upon and enacted by those elected to do so within the UK, including 152 areas of policy now sitting with the devolved administrations.

20 06, 2024

#34 Brexit has allowed the UK to vastly improve the speed of rollout of new medical treatments

Brexit Benefits|

By leaving the EU the UK has been able to streamline the testing and approval of new medical treatments for use, without impacting patient risk and care. This is only possible due to leaving the EU and its EMA oversight.

20 06, 2024

#32 Brexit allows the UK to escape from artificially inflated food prices – such as for bananas

Brexit Benefits|

In 2019 the EU refused to cut tariffs on Bananas. No longer bound by this, the UK is reviewing EU banana tariffs it rolled over and through CPTPP accession gave tariff concessions to Mexico and Peru. Leaving the EU is making bananas cheaper for all of us.

20 06, 2024

#31 Brexit allows UK entrepreneurs and innovators greater freedom to lead the world

Brexit Benefits|

The burgeoning "novel foods" or cultivated meats industry is set to grow massively in the coming years, leaving the EU means we now have the capability to take something to market in the UK without having to have the sign-off from every European nation.

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