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Despite a great deal of speculation to the contrary the UK’s Brexit negotiations opened on time and without a great deal of controversy. Critics of both the Government and Brexit looked to find their negative angles to portray them as a failure but as Brexit Secretary David Davis pointed out – it’s how the negotiations conclude that matter, not how they start or what the process entails.

As was pointed out in this article in The Commentator from Get Britain Out research executive Jack Tagholm-Child the UK is leaving the EU, not Europe. It will take some time to unravel forty years of complexity but it is in everyone’s interest to make a success of it. Those that only look for problems and take joy at reporting them have their own agendas – and it is usually to try and reverse the historic decision of the British people.

There will be regular updates on the details and intricacies of the negotiations – look out for our articles on this website and on Brexit Central and in CityAM.

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