Briefing Notes

/Briefing Notes
3 05, 2013

#85 Britain & the EU: if “Out”, How ?

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Legally, once the UK triggers the Lisbon Treaty’s Article 50, the EU treaties (after a short delay) cease to apply. Forty years’ worth of EU regulation would however remain embedded in domestic British law until the British Parliament repealed the European Communities Act 1972, the main mechanism for transposing EU law into British law, and other Westminster legislation. For [...]

22 02, 2013

#84 European Union 2011 Prosperity Rankings

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In the EU prosperity rankings, the UK has sunk from fifth position in 2004 to eleventh in 2011 In 2011, as in the two previous years, the UK was the eleventh most prosperous country in the EU. In 2004, using the same methodology & data source, the UK was the fifth most prosperous country in the EU, [...]

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